

Equine Dental Care in Tucson, Arizona


Horses, being herbivores, spend a significant portion of their day grazing on grasses and hay. This constant chewing leads to a...

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  43 Hits

Tucson Pet Vaccinations: Protecting Your Furry Friend


Vaccinations are a cornerstone of preventive healthcare for pets. They shield your furry companion from a host of potentially life-threatening diseases....

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  97 Hits

Don't Neglect Your Pet's Smile! Important Dental Care for Dogs & Cats


Just like humans, our furry companions rely on healthy teeth and gums for overall well-being. Dental problems in pets are surprisingly...

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  190 Hits

The Importance of Equine Dentistry in Mammoth


Whether you are a seasoned owner or have recently purchased or adopted your first horse, you likely already know that caring...

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Caring For Those Healthy Hooves Just Got Easier with Our Horse Vet in Wilcox


Your trusted steed stands tall every day. And as a rider, you constantly add the pressure of mounting and riding them,...

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Horse Vaccines Eloy


You’ve heard all the catchy phrases and sayings about preventative care. One of our favorites is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is especially true for horses and their vaccinations. When it comes to some of the diseases your veterinarian vaccinates your horse against, it’s amazing how one little preventive measure

  272 Hits

Reata Veterinary Hospital
Where Compassion Meets Dedication

Mon to Fri: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Sat and Sun: Emergencies Only